Friday, March 11, 2011

Enough Trailer 2002


  1. I wanted to write something about this video and how I just wanted to say that being totally aware that this movie has only a one-sided view to abuse which is the woman being a victim to violence from the man I just wanted to say I do believe that there could also be a case where the same thing can happen to men and that its not always physically but mentally which can sometimes be as bad or worst than physical abuse. Let me just say that in this movie I would have to bring up the article on Ideology how the media perceives that its just women that deal with abuse. But the male character can face abuse as well. But that still doesn't mean that this movie does not have any significance it's just that it portrays the perspective of the womans testimony. Although I will have to tell you that the situations aren't always like this believe it or not there are women who stay by the sides of their abusers and live day by day terrifed if their husband will beat them or worst kill them. I feel that this was an example to show women to stand up to their offenders and to fight for freedom. Why I say freedom? Well because although I have never been a victim of physical abuse I have seen it before and was one of those children that had to see my mother day by day suffer not physical abuse but verbal abuse. I would always think to myself why she waited so long. But anyways just so that we don't get to personal abuse is horrible thing to face and at points can change your life drastically.

  2. Such a powerful post, Leecy, and an amazing connection between our class and the world. Thanks for sharing this. :)

  3. This is a really powerful post, I loved this movie. I would love to help out women at a shelter or who have been abused when I'm older or even volunteer now. Its an awful thing to go through, and it is happening all around us

  4. I loved this movie, its sad to say but some personal abuse is still going on. The connection with our discussion with the class that day is dead-on ( meaning exactly right) !!
